Kadang terasa waktu begitu cepat
Yang dimulai belum tamat
Kadang terasa itu akhir cerita
Kerna dalam diam, cuma itu yang aku minta
Seolah di situ, pengakhirannya.
Kadang terasa waktu begitu cepat
Yang dimulai belum tamat
Kadang terasa itu akhir cerita
Kerna dalam diam, cuma itu yang aku minta
Seolah di situ, pengakhirannya.
Kadang langkah pincang
Tapi hati senang
Kadang langkah jelas
Tapi hati terasa lebih berkelas
Sedang tuhan lebih tahu
Tahap mana letak duduknya hati itu
Kadang tanpa sedar, masih lagi berdoa untuk bahagia dia. Masih lagi berdoa untuk kedua keluarga. Masih lagi minta bahagia mereka.
Seolah yang kini tak pernah terjadi.
Tak sekelumit pun amarah, malah bila tuhan beri dia, seolah tuhan beri harapan. Cuma, dari awal sedar, harapan itu sementara. Jadi bila tuhan ambil pun, harus sedar. Semuanya sementara.
Semoga ini kekal. Rasa bahagia saat membahagiakan, rasa tenang saat melepaskan. Sebab aku juga manusia, bila bila pun boleh berubah.
Dan menjadi lebih buruk, itu ketakutanku. Karena sejak awal pun aku pendosa. Dan si pendosa ini, begitu tangguh memaksa diri untuk menjadi lebih baik.
Aku kagum dengan perjuangan dia.
Aku kagum dengan apa yang dia hadapi, tetap dia mampu untuk menjadi lebih baik.
Tuhan, aku selalu berharap aku mampu untuk menjadi lebih baik.
Aku selalu berharap aku mampu melangkah lebih jauh, walaupun sendiri.
Semoga tuhan selalu lindungi dia, semoga andai aku menjadi dia, aku tetap mampu tersenyum dan mensyukuri nikmatNya.
Maybe this is the last time, before I run again & take another step. Begin to walk on new journey. Maybe I can't even recall those faces next few years. But the memories remain in my heart.
I will make a move, and memories will be left in special place in my heart.
Aku sering lari.
Lari dari masa lalu.
Dan ini juga akan jadi masa lalu.
Bachelor of Biology (Applied Science) & Hons.
What if someone like you, but you don't have any feeling left?
What if sometimes you kinda pissed of because of the jokes/gossips?
What if someone try to protect you, but all you want is being independent?
Yes. People might say that being that kind of lady is ungrateful.
But little that you know, how my heart bleeds, how my past teach me to stop depend on anyone but Allah s.w.t, how my heart turn into pieces everytime I begin to trust again.
Except for Allah s.w.t discretion.
The door to my heart has closed. I can't even tell what kind of guy that I want when my friends ask me my guy type. I can't even tell the time I will open it back.
For now, what I feel is, I want to go far from here. Very far that my memories can't find me. I want to walk around the world and create new memories & experiences. And for that, only Allah s.w.t can show me the way.
May Allah ease.
Even when during my turn, tetiba laptop blank ada virus, but everything is just great experience for me. Nervous more to when the laptop tetiba rosak bila aku sentuh 😂😂 lepas tu ketaq bak hang 😯
Anddd my problem is, I talk like bullet train. Too fast! Well maybe adrenaline rush, (tau tak adrenaline untuk orang berdarah O is much higher than other blood type? 😎) so I'm alwayss too excited over everything 😚
Finally, it was done. So, tomorrow my pregrad dinner. Final exam, and graduate! Will miss all my friends so much! ❤
Kejap je dah habis. Rasa macam baru mula. Kejap dah dewasa. Kejap dah bertahun semuanya berlalu. Kejap je. Rasa baru semalam balik rumah jawab paper biology SPM, and I lose my home and my family. But, it has been years. Tak sangka.
Teruskan melangkah & tersenyum ❤
Aku takut dengan mereka.
Mereka yang membuat masa laluku begitu perih
Mereka yang tega melepasku hampir mati
Mereka yang membunuh rasa hatiku tanpa belas
Aku takut dengan mereka
Lalu aku melangkah pergi
Dan begitu takut untuk menoleh lagi
Seolah aku akan mati sekali lagi
Aku bebas begini
Sendiri dan bebas memilih jalan tanpa harapan selain tuhan
Melangkah tanpa rasa
Walau kadang sepi terasa
Aku mahu tenang
Bebas dari masa lalu
Bebas dari ketakutan yang dulu.
Waktu saja yang mampu buat aku punya rasa lagi
Waktu saja yang buat aku kembali
Mewarnai kamu di masa laluku.
Aku tidak marah
Aku tidak layak untuk merasa jerah
Aku cuma pergi
Mencari jalanku.
Aku cuba sehabis baik
Perlahan-lahan menuntun hatiku kepada Dia.
Aku tak mampu jadi seperti yang dunia inginkan dalam sekelip mata.
Aku takut menjadi aku yang dulu.
Pecundang, kelam dalam perih dan amarahku.
Aku cuba sehabis baik
Melangkah setiap hari dengan iringkan hatiku padaNya
Tapi aku butuh waktu
Perlahan-lahan belajar mengenalNya
Mencintai kasih sayangNya
Mempercayai takdirNya.
Karena aku manusia biasa
Yang begitu tidak ampuh dengan dosa
Begitu sering aku lemas dengan rasa
Aku ingin jadi lebih baik
Seindah bidadari yang membahagiakan
Tapi aku juga butuh waktu
Dan itu tidak dapat aku paksakan
Dengan sekejap cuma.
Setiap kali.
Terasa cemburu hatiku
Bila melihat seorang ayah
Mendengar suara putrinya
Melihat matanya
Selalu ada untuknya
Selalu memperdengarkan kerisauannya
Saat aku tak miliki semua itu.
Aku tak miliki tawa yang satu itu
Aku tak miliki kerisauan itu
Aku tak miliki keindahan itu.
Aku menidakkan rasa hati
Aku miliki tuhan
Aku miliki kasih Dia yang tidak dapat aku gambarkan indahnya
Tapi aku juga manusia
Kadang tersungkur
Begitu tamak dengan kehendakku.
Begitu tidak cukup dengan rasaku
Maafkan aku.
Anugerah yang tidak berkurang itu
Justeru begitu banyak
Cuma kadang
Rasaku membunuh jiwa
Yang terasa perih ini.
Since now is hectic week. The whole week full with tests and quizzes 😂 all Assignments need to be submitted by this week plus our thesis & presentation slide. Omg 😓
But please stay calm because it's going to end soon! ❤
Here, something to ponder...
Abu Hurairah, dia berkata: Rasulullah Saw bersabda: Allah berfirman:
“Aku menurut sangkaan hamba-Ku kepada-Ku. Aku bersamanya apabila dia mengingat-Ku. Jika dia mengingati-Ku dalam dirinya, maka Aku mengingatinya dalam diri-Ku. Jika dia mengingati-Ku dalam suatu kelompok, Aku mengingatinya dalam kelompok yang lebih baik dari kelompok mereka. Jika dia mendekati-Ku satu jengkal, maka Aku mendekatinya satu hasta. Jika dia mendekati-Ku satu hasta, maka Aku mendekatinya satu lengan. Jika dia datang kepada-Ku dengan berjalan, maka Aku datang kepadanya dengan berlari”
Aku lihat satu cahaya
Dan aku kejar cahaya itu
Semakin jauh
Semakin samar
Dan akhirnya pintu itu tertutup
Tanpa sempat aku tiba ke penghujungnya
Tanpa sadar aku jatuh
Jatuh di kelopak mawar yang harum baunya
Saat aku mengejar cahaya itu
Begitu debunga mekar dan aku tidak tahu
Begitu harum baunya dan tidak aku peduli
Saat cahaya itu hilang
Deriaku mencium harum bunganya
Deriaku merasa lembut kelopaknya
Dan aku kembali belajar mencintai suatu yang baru
Yang ada tapi tidak terlihat
Yang indah tapi tidak jelas
Karena cuma aku yang mampu memilih
Bahagia mana yang membahagiakan.
Bismillah. "If one door happiness closes, the second one will be opened by Allah. But we can't see the opened door because because we keep crying infront of the closed one". Doors may close, but there are always, other, unlimited number of doors – new opportunities. The world is full of opportunities, if we could only see them.
I've been fight with it for years since I was 16. First time treat it at my 17 years old. It was hard. Sampai rasa macam nak mati, ambil lah jasad ini. Aku tak mahu. Gitu. Cakap la ubat macam mana, jumpa ustaz sana sini, mandi ais, mandi limau, dan lelain, and lastly rotan. Idk what kind of kayu the ustaz used, kalau ikut dia rotan sikit je, but it hurts A LOT dan 2 minggu jugak la tidur menyiarap. That was last treatment until I think I had enough. I'm so tired with it.
Long story short, it was السحر that been sent for my family. And ustazah said, I'm the shield, so whatever 'thing' that been sent to our family, I'm the one need to face it first. At that time, I was 17 years old. Masya Allah, I feel like dying.
Lepas last treatment yang buat aku taknak lagi buat rawatan sihir (rawatan islam) aku beli buku rawatan sihir. I bought lots of books about السحر because I want to get to know about it, how to treat it, how to avoid it etc.
Subhanallah. I can't tell you how sampai hati orang yang buat semua ni. Until now, dia masih lagi tak lepaskan kami, dan aku masih lagi 'berperang'. Everytime I feel like macam ada benda tak kena, I will ask if my mom okay or not. Sebab bila tak sihat, my mom akan sakit juga.
After I read the books, cara rawat sihir terbaik adalah diri sendiri. Ustaz/ustazah cuma 20-30% saja yang membantu. But if we, ourselves don't want to fight with it, nothing will happen. Kita akan tetap sakit dan sakit.
First, selalu dengar Ruqyah & other surah. Kalau tak sihat pasang sampai tertidur. Hehari dengar lagi bagus. It will make us calm too.
Then, solat awal waktu. Jangan tinggal solat. Sebab solat tu la yang lindung hati kita dari jadi lemah. Roh kita supaya kuat dan tak mudah tunduk dengan syaitan & jin.
Selalu buat air yassin, niat untuk rawat penyakit dan apa-apa lagi niat yang baik. In syaa Allah, Yang maha berkuasa tu kan Allah?
Ayatul kursi. Selalu baca, jadikan amalan bila-bila masa pun. Especially Lepas solat & setiap kali keluar rumah.
Mengaji. At least once a day. Sebab I read somewhere, suara-suara kita,bila baca Qur'an akan jadi pengubat untuk diri kita. Masya Allah, how lovely it is?
Bila buat semua ni, percaya Allah s.w.t tu lebih besar dari segalanya. Minta Allah lindung. Minta Allah jauhkan. Memang rasa macam, mudah, minta je.
Dekatkan diri dengan Dia. Selalu lah bercakap, meminta, ingat. Sebab bila kita 'hilang' sikit, syaitan & jin tu lebih mudah nak ganggu.
I think, it has been 4 years since last time I did rawatan islam. Lama-lama Masya Allah penat. Sebab setiap kali rawat memang letih dia tuhan yang tahu. Macam we're fight with ourselves.
Ada ustaz/ustazah tanya, nak hantar semula/ tidak sihir ni. As for us, we didn't do the same. Sebab kami rasa sakitnya, perihnya. Dan kalau pulang semula, sama je antara kami dan dia. Biarlah Allah s.w.t yang menghakimi.
This is part of my life. One of the reason why I'm so secretive about my life. I'm fighting. So hard. Kadang rasa nak mengalah, tapi entah dari mana, tuhan kirimkan kekuatan, untuk masih bertahan. At least, everyday when I woke up, I will thank to Allah, let me know Him better and for every next day I fight, I know Allah s.w.t will give His reward. Just be patient.
May Allah bless ❤
All this while, I'm asking Allah s.w.t about forgetting my past. So that I can forget how hard it is struggling with an ache heart. I want to forget people whom hurts me so that I can feel free & happy. I want to be free from my old life, from anger & revenge. I want to create the new me and amazingly, I think Allah s.w.t accept the do'as.
Couple weeks ago, there are so many fb posts about "do you remember your form 5 friends/next to you/etc.." and I try to remember. I can't even recall the moments. I can't remember their faces. I can't even remember their name. Mungkin yang rapat tu, yes. Masih kenal. But amazingly, I can't even remember my classmates. (Which means there will be no high school class gathering for me💁)
And I don't even want to dig the past. Let it fly, far away from me. Because I want to be new. For every last day I can count.
Aku menjauh
Namun Dia tak pernah pergi
Menuntunku kembali padanya
Dengan lemah lembut memimpinku dengan kuasanya
Membuka mata hatiku
Menerima keesaannya
Dia menerimaku
Saat aku hancur lebur tanpa rasa
Dia menggamitku
Saat aku terjelepok tanpa suara
Dia menenangkanku
Saat aku merasa lelah tak mampu membuka mata
Dia bersamaku
Saat aku berhenti mencintainya
Dan perlahan-lahan Dia membawaku
Mengenali keagungannya
Mencintai keredhaannya
Mengharapkan kelembutannya
Dia menerimaku
Saat aku memang tak punya apa
Saat aku rapuh
Saat aku hancur
Sampai aku tak mampu menjauh lagi
Kerna tak pernah aku temukan tenangnya selain saat hatiku berbicara kepadanya
Walau cinta dalam hatiku begitu rapuh dan lemah rasanya
Tetap Dia menerimaku tanpa buatku rasa kurang atas kasih sayangnya.
Berkali-kali aku bilang
Aku cuma menumpang
Menumpang sedikit sisa kasih sayang.
Aku penumpang
Sadarkan diri supaya tak terlalu tenggelam.
Aku bukan siapa-siapa
Aku ingin pergi
Supaya tak lagi aku berhutang
Aku ingin berdiri pada diri sendiri
Mencari harga diri
Supaya tak lagi aku terasa lemas sendiri
Mencari rialiti diri sendiri.
Aku tahu kau tahu
Betapa perih rasa tersisih
Tenggelam dalam ruang
Semoga aku bisa pergi
Membina hidupku sendiri
Dan saat itu aku tak perlu lagi takut
Atau merasa gerah dalam hidup.
Today I went to a wedding. Frankly speak, deep inside my heart, I don't really like wedding. I love it, from afar. I love to see happy faces etc. But for me to be in crowd of the wedding, 😥😥😥
And to imagine that I'm the bride is a nightmare. Yes, I'm 22 (soon to be 23) I don't have anyone when my friends already had their sayang bee you me us but me, I don't even care because I enjoy with this kind of life.
Yeah sometimes I feel lonely, but then to build some trust for someone to take care of me, is too cheesy. I don't hv that trust since I don't grow with any man that I can trust. I feel awkward when having any other men as family (like new pakciks of my aunts or else) omg it's so awkward. There are some unwanted feelings that I can't name what it is.
I always afraid that if I don't hv any desire to get married. I wish I can forget my past. The painful one. Which even when I try to forgive, I still have that pain.
Ya Rabb, forgive me. To be that kind of human. It's so hard for me to forget. Like roll of movies replay in my mind. ☹
Assalamualaikum ❤
Well, my final year project was finished and currently focus for thesis & viva preparation (Focus eh? 🙈 Hopefully.)
Ok. Final year & final semester is the most scariest part in Bachelor degree. (Takut tak? 😎) you need to focus on studies but yeah doing the fyp as well. As for me, I tarik lot of subjects when the final year begin. I took 8 papers! All killer papers. Exceed credit hour lagi 😖 So final sem I only take 5 papers with 2 killer papers, when my clans need to go to next class, I'm going back home to clean my room 😎
How I begin my fyp? I advice you to start it earlier than your friends. Kenapa? Because you can pick the best lab equipment, semua la boleh the best! Sebab orang tak ramai. Anddd you can prepare for any consequences if anything happen. Kalau project tak jadi ke, boleh repeat etc. As my lecturer said, do things that people don't do. Dare to be different from others!
For my fyp, I really can't repeat it for so many times. Sebab it costs lots of money! My project, per 5 ampule kecik je RM100+ and I have 3 samples with 3 replicate! So I need to do it at my best. 😅
At first, I wish that there will be no contamination in my projects and Alhamdulillah for 200 plate streaking & diluting, no contam.
Sebelum mula project tu memang doa bebanyakkk everytime begin the experiment baca memacam doa so that Allah s.w.t ease my work 🤓 you can't predict ok what will happen.
Tipu la everything went well as I wish! Kena la ada dugaan sikit kan baru thrill. So dugaan I, agar habis & I need to really manage it well. Guna cukup-cukup je. Sampai sekali tu memang tak cukup. Idk what to do sampai memang tak mampu dah nak senyum 🙁 tapi entah dari mana, kekuatan, few days pastu I mintak pada Allah s.w.t sebab memang jalan dah buntu taktau nak buat mcm mana sebab agar costs about RM700++! Mana nak cari duit 💸
I pray, minta pada Allah s.w.t tunjukkan jalan, pastu tunggu Allah nak bagi jalan yang mana. Redha. Masa tu project terbengkalai. Few days after, I try to ask the lab assistant (before this dah tanya but he said takde 😂) tapi try lagi sekali tetiba budget untuk barang lab yang takde before this tetiba ada, and I got new agar! Yang dalam seal lagi tak bukak! How happyyy I am sampai terlompat. 💃
Conclusion kat sini, when you want to begin anything in your life, tell Allah s.w.t ask Him to make it easy, thank Him as well. 😘
Ever since when I was 19 years old, I want to be there. Makkah al-Muqarramah & Madina al-Munawwarah. It's begin when I started to find Allah after lost for nearly 2 years. I'm arguing with myself, asking why He took everything so sudden? Why life is so hard yet He kept me alive. Masya Allah, so ungrateful servant I am at that time 😭.
I went to the mosque. Try to find the serenity in my life. Crying over so many things. Feel like a corpse without any desire to live anymore. Until one day, when I fall asleep after tired of crying in the mosque, I got a dream. Dream of me, seeing the qa'ba from afar. 🕋
Day by day, I want to go there, I'm curious about the dream. How serene is that place? But how can I go there? I begin to find myself. I want that serenity. I start to learn how to get to know Him from scratch.
Until after I went to the University, I begin to save some of my Yayasan scholar to go there.
And right now, He shows me the way to go there right after I graduated. (I can't wait to be there ❤)
If people ask me what I want to do after graduated, I will say that I don't know. Some of my friends wanna get married, having short holiday, working, futher studies, as for me the only thing I want to do after this is to be in Makkah, sujood in front of Ka'ba. Thank Him for everything. For give me another chance. For not taking my life when I was 'died' years ago.
3 months to go. May He bless this journey. The one and only dream for now.🌈
I miss this place even more these days. 😔
You know what is the best thing that I got after so many turbulence in my heart? It's Him. I realise that to feel so calm at the end of the day, to feel so happy even when I lose everything, I need Him.
Untuk berubah menjadi yang lebih baik, tak mudah. I swear, it's hard. Especially when we are woman, hati terlalu rapuh, kadang-kadang sendiri tak tahu apa diri sendiri nak. Kadang terpaksa bilamana keadaan sekeliling memaksa. As a woman, when we were forced to be someone new, we will change. But when we're tired to fulfill other people's desire, (even when it's for our own goodness) we will change back to our old self, but it gonna be worse than before.
Memberontak. Hati dah tepu dengan kehendak manusia lain, dan end up, hati kata, I just want to be myself. I don't care anymore what people think of me. ☹
Pernah dengar, perempuan ni ibarat tulang rusuk yang bengkok tu. Dia akan tetap bengkok, tapi kalau ada tekanan yg kuat menolak, dia akan patah. 😿 At the moment they don't even care anymore, it's the moment they were broke.
I've been in that place, when you want to be someone that can satisfy other people. To be good in their eyes. But at the end, I just can't. Because there're no such things that can satisfy them. There must be something they want us to change. And I end up, losing myself.
Until finally, I run. Run away from their life. I kick them out of my life. I don't want to remember anything about them, being close with them, tell people about my family, exposing my real life to the surrounding. I run, far away from their life.
Then, I try to find the real me. The heart that I throw so far to just meet other people desire.
To be me, to say no when I don't want to do something, be someone that is so content with what she wants. Do things that makes me happy. Until, my own self slowly want to change to be better than I used to be. To love Him and get to know His love better. To be so happy when I can talk to myself just like when I was 5th years old kid, when I was the only daughter in my family. I'm happy, when I meet Him. At the moment I realise that His love is so serene and I feel so comfortable with this kind of Him-self love.
Berubah, luaran memang mudah. Show people what they to look in their eyes. As a woman, wearing the Islami clothes, wear robe and huge scarfs. Cover your modesty. Nevertheless, it's not only what you want to show at the outside. It's in your heart. Are you that sincere with what you do? What your heart says? Is that make you treat other people better? Or you think you're good enough until you can't see other people goodness. And you being so arrogant with everything that you show from the outside.
Ladies, to be better woman, to be someone new, It's not easy. But it's not so hard. Know what your heart wants, love yourself, pray, that Allah s.w.t show you the way, and slowly, take step-by-step to be better. Until you get used with that things, and you feel so uneasy when you need to leave that things.
For me, I love to talk with myself, and at the same time I'm talking to Him. Like He's so near. When I have something that I want to ask or I don't understand why is it happen to me (Since I was kid, I have curiosity about so many things. Until my parents can't answer me anymore 😂) , I open His book, tafseer, ask, and play with my intuition, open the page I feel like I want to read, and He will give me His words.
Till then, L 💋
He is so sweet.
The moment I fell in love with him is the best moment I ever feel. I grown up with that love. He mesmerised me with the qualities inside him that I can't find even when I met thousand guys. He managed to trigger that feelings of love and prosperity inside me. I became so ambitious everytime I think of that love.
Unfortunately, I don't have any strength to tell him. It just some feeling that make me wake up everyday to be better lady until one day he can see me, love me, just like I did.
But then, as I make a good plan, Allah s.w.t has better plan for me. He knows that I will never love myself when I'm with him. I'm too eager to be someone that he can love, instead of just love myself and let he love me as who I am.
After 7 years, Allah s.w.t let me hold that love, shower that love with so many doas. He took that from me. I accept his wedding invitation with his own choice. What'd I feel? Of course it's hurt. Like my heart was sliced & chopped (kalau chicken chop sedap jugak 😥)
But after few days, I sat on my knees, pray, turn to Him, asked for His strength, so that I can smile again. My smile also, feel so bitter you know... 🤐
Now I know. He didn't took him just to bring me down. He knows, that if he let me be by myself all this while, I can't be THIS strong, positive & ambitious. I can't dream anymore. So, He lend me this love so that I can feel that I still have another dream to carry on. I can be better than who am I before. But when Allah s.w.t know that I'm already strong to walk by my own, He took him so that this guy, can shine other lady's life. That need him, more than me.
At first, I think I'm not ready for this. I'm not ready to walk this life all alone. No dream of someone that can accompany me, no dream of someone that can make my heart palpitate out of nowhere, no love that can shine my smile. But then, I realised, all this while, this love that He sent, bring me to Him. I get to know Allah s.w.t trough this love. I start to love Allah s.w.t when I feel this warm feeling.
Since Allah already prepared His love for me, how come I can fall again like before? I still have His love, His promises. So I turn to Him.
It is hard, but I decided to go to his wedding. I thanked to Allah s.w.t for my 7 years of loving him. I thanked to Allah s.w.t that he finally found someone that can take care of him and his family, better than me.
This is not easy, I swear. But Allah has granted me with so many blessings. I can't turn back, because Allah's love is more than everything in this life. I trust that Allah has created someone that also struggle so hard to be near to HIM. ❤
People asking me, why you lose so much weight? Why you're getting smaller when everyone is getting bigger?
Some pain, it's just to hard to bear. It's hard to change the pain into happiness. But when I force myself to be happy, my inner strength can't really cope because when I'm all alone, talking with my Lord, I know that I'm not that strong. I'm weak. Dunya is too hard. But yeah, I still want to appreciate every moment so that I didn't regret when it passed.
I know that Allah tested me with something that I can bear. How hard it is. But for every hardbreak, when I passed it, I feel like, I want to be someone else. I want to look different so that people can't recognize me and remind me about my past.
I want to create 'better me' in people's eyes. I want to be someone new than 'the old me'. I don't care how hard it is to damp down my heartbreak moments. I want to look different.
So, here I am. Losing my weight from 66kgs to 47kgs (1 month ago. Idk I'm losing how many kgs for this few weeks) Until I can't buy any 'free size' attire anymore. It became so big for me 🤔
Fyi, I've been granted by Allah s.w.t to be someone that can't recognize people's face if I didn't meet them for such a long time or when I met them for only few times. I just can't remember faces. So, it's easy for me to move on another step in my life. ( Please don't judge me if you meet me out there, and I can't even remember your face. I just can't 🙁. But I remember moments. If you recall my memories, I still can remember that 🤗. So tegur je, maybe I tak cam muka. But memories, will never fade. In syaa Allah)
Few weeks ago, I went to the court, and my relatives also can't remember my face as I'm losing so much weight. You know what? I feel happy! Because I just, don't want to remember how hard it is the moment I need to survive all alone, and they're just leave me like I'm no one to them. Yes. I walked away from their life, and create my own new life. 🌈
Know what? Sometimes you just need to make a move and leave people that don't appreciate your presence. Create your own future. Make new clans. Who can still 'see' you when you don't have anything to be proud of.
Don't worry. I'm losing my weight with the right diet & healthy lifestyle. I want to value myself, why should I touture the body that Allah gave to me? I just want to do something that can make me happy. 💖
Dia di atas awan
Aku melata di bumi
Mengagumi mencintai
Selalu kutenung awan itu
Menggapai tak tercapai
Terlalu jauh sampai aku terkapai-kapai
Sampai awan itu berarak pergi
Memayungi bumi yang lain
Buat aku ditimpa hujan.
Tapi tak mengapa
Hujan itu rahmat
Pasti datangnya pelangi
Berwarna warni
Membiaskan cahaya semi
Buat aku mampu tersenyum sendiri.
Entah. Should I tell or not?
Dah begitu lama aku simpan. Bertahun-tahun pergi ibarat mati dari semua. Aku berhenti berharap dan melangkah pergi. Aku simpan sendiri.
Begitu tega, membuat kami hampir mati. Tak tergapai akal bilamana aku sendiri bertarung nyawa. Begitu perih, sampai tak tergali luka yg lama tu.
Sampai kini, aku masih berlari. Lari dari dunia rialiti, membina hidup baru yg aku sendiri tak tahu ujungnya apa. Berhati-hati dengan siapa pun. Bilanglah aku penakut. Takut dengan bayang masa lalu.
Tapi cuma aku yg tahu rasanya perih, rasanya bertarung nyawa yg buat aku hampir mengalah pada hidup. Mereka mahu bahagia kami. Ambillah, aku tak mahu. Aku rela lepaskan semua.
Tapi nyata mereka tak pernah puas, dan mereka masih mencari. Sampai kadang aku sendiri terfikir, tak lelahkah mereka membenci? Sedang kami tak pernah membalas. Memang begitukah resam hidup mereka? Begitu cemburu.
Kalau saja mereka tahu rasanya hampir kehilangan nafas. Kalaulah mereka tahu begitu aku lelah untuk selalu berhati-hati. Kalau saja mereka tahu, rasa saat terfikir waktu yg diberi tuhan hampir berakhir.
Kadang aku berharap, tuhan lupakan aku dengan masa lalu. Masa lalu dimana aku bertarung nyawa, masa lalu dimana aku tak mampu mengangkat tubuh, masa bilamana hidup terlalu perih, my friends read yaasin for me so that Allah ease my burdens when it's hard for me even to take a single breath. Masa bilamana aku biarkan semuanya pergi, aku sendiri tak mahu bahagia, kalau itu begitu menyakitkan.
Teganya hati yg membenci itu.
Tak henti masa lalu aku hampir hilang diri sendiri terputar setiap kali mata ini terpejam. Terasa 6 tahun tak begitu lama untuk padam semuanya.
Bilamana aku cuba mahu keluar dari diam, aku sudah punya bahagia sendiri, kami sudah mampu ketawa tanpa menggali masa lalu, mereka mencari lagi. Tanpa lelah cuba memadam setiap senyuman kami.
Aku selalu tertanya-tanya. Sudah terpadamkah kemanusiaan di hati mereka? Sudah hitamkah hati mereka dengan cemburu? Tak jemukah mereka secara halus cuba membunuh kami? Tidak takutkah mereka pada tuhan? Tak lelahkah mereka mengambil tahu hidup kami?
Kami tak punya apa, aku tak punya apa. Cuma punya belas kasihan tuhan. Aku terus melangkah dengan ihsan tuhan. Sedang aku masih lagi tak tahu ke mana langkah ini pergi nanti. Aku redha, andai tidak punya bahagia. Bilamana, bahagia tu menyiram api benci pada manusia lain.
Aku tetap percaya, doa yg teraniaya itu tak pernah terlepas dari pandanganNya. Malah itu cukup membuat aku merasa syukur. Sebab aku boleh minta apa saja. Dan Dia selalu mendengar. Itu definisi bahagia aku. Aku tak perlu begitu banyak perkara, bilamana aku belajar perihnya hidup andai aku punya definisi bahagia yg sama seperti manusia biasa yg lain.
Harta aku kini, cuma doa. Tapi aku merasa cukup.
Aku selalu lelah untuk hidup. Tapi, bila setiap hari aku bangun untuk terus berjuang, aku percaya, tuhan tak pernah salah memberi. Oleh itu, aku tersenyum lagi. 😇
There are so many ways to create happiness that make us satisfied with ourselves. Ada yang bila dia nak bahagia, dia cari someone yg boleh beri dia bahagia. Ada juga bahagia bila dia dapat apa yang dia nak. Ada bahagia bila bersama dengan orang yang tersayang. 😍
As for me, I create my happiness by make other people happy. When they're happy with me, when I can make them smile, when I can give them something that can make them happy..then I will be the happiest person on earth! 😇 Entah. Hilang apak bila dia kata dia nak cari bahagia dia sendiri buat aku sedar. Memiliki itu bukan bahagia. Bahagia sebenar bila memberi. 😊 sebab itu aku pergi bila apak kata mahu cari bahagia. Aku bukakan pintu itu untuk dia.
That's how I define happiness. 👸
Maybe because the meaning of my name, ketinggian kebahagiaan. Allah s.w.t hadirkan aku untuk memberi seberapa banyak bahagia pada manusia sekeliling. Kalaupun terluka, aku harus tetap memberi. Sebab aku percaya tuhan akan kira setiap pemberian itu disisiNya. Well I'm not really a generous person. 🙊 Still a beginner and so many things to learn.
And this. To give something you owned to other people is not easy. Ada yang kata kalau roh tidak lagi di jasad, kesian pada jasad kita yang tak sempurna. Kesian pada jasad yg merasa sakit. But I really want to do this. Jujur, aku takut kalau-kalau jasad merasa sakit. Tapi aku mahu andai aku tiada, aku tetap boleh beri bahagia. To donate my blood, I afraid I can't (never try. See? I'm not really a generous person 😔) so maybe I can try this even I don't know how long I can live. How many times left.
But I wish someday when I can share a little of 'me' with other people, I can create other happiness in their brand new life 💖