Thank you whoever still read this blog since day 1 ❤️ Eventho right now this blog just share some of my personal thoughts. Thank you to whom emailed me and pray for me. Masha Allah I never think I still have reader from here. May Allah bless you 😘
In this post, I just want to post some gratitude post for my husb. Just in case one day he read my blog ❤️ because I’m too shy to post on other social medias. We just made our relationship private bcs of my past experiences. And I’m happy with it. No social post, no one know whether we are arguing or happy, it just us. And Alhamdulillah it become happier because we didn’t try to meet other people’s preferences toward everything we’ve been through. Biasa kalau expectation orang luar semua nak cun cun je padahal hidup manusia biasalah turun naik semua kan.
So yeah, dear husband. Thank you for being great husband for me and great daddy for Yusuf. (We are expecting! 🤰🏻 Alhamdulillah) and we didn’t know the gender yet but we just called baby as Yusuf bcs I don’t know I just likeeee that name 😂. So I selalu sembang dengan Yusuf like everywhere. U know how it feels when you always love talking to yourself and now you have another part of you that can give reactions toward your emotions. Alolooo omey Yusuf.
Thank you daddy for always gosok belakang mummy bila mummy muntah. Always going back after meeting if we’re not in good condition. Always sabar order food panda for 3 months! Tak pernag tak masak selama tu 😂 Picit mummy for almost everyday since day 1 sebab tak boleh pergi urut & tulang belulang ku dah seperti mahu patah patah. And many more ❤️
Thank you for being patient with my upside down emotions. Kejap ketawa kejap nangis. And I can literally nangis like a baby tersedu2 omg 😂 Yusuf cannot be like mummy oki 😘 Yusuf should be strong & patient like daddy.
I can’t describe so many things here. But I just want to thank you for everything dear husband. I can’t buy you RM22K tudor watch right now but I always pray for your health, love and blessings. I hope my silence doa can give blessings and ease your life.
Thank you Allah for giving this huge bundle of joys & happiness toward our marriage. May this smol family be a sakinah mawaddah warrahmah family till Jannatul Firdaus as I prayed few years ago in front of kaabah inside the hijr Ismail.
Thank you Allah, thank you husband, thank you everyone ❤️