19 November 2023

A little update

Assalamualaikum blog! 

Been a very long time with no update. 
Rentetan to my posts on whatsapp status about my blogging memories, 
if you ever come here from there, 
hi! such a very long memories been written here. 

Tempat ini adalah medium yang mendewasakan I dimana I taknak any validation dari manusia sekeliling  but I still seek validation from other people yang I taktau dan tak kenal. 

BUT today, I want to tell you, I dah takkan update all the moments of my family. 
I'd chose to save it at my best place as I dah tak seek validation on people anymore. 

 Except Allah swt and my husband. 
 My Jannah creator and my way to jannah.

Maybe I akan share some other journey here. Tapi I tak tahu bila.
Till then, Biiznillah.

I pon dah tak ingat nak edit gambar ni macam mana. Nak delete macam mana. How I feel so old mehhhh!

Till then, 

20 September 2020

UPDATE ; TIPS FOR WHOM TRY TO CONCEIVE (post title is too controversial)


Amboi nak baby pun ada tutorial 😎 ok tak this is not a tutorial but just a simple post that I can share how I plan for a baby since my husband is 9 years older than me, and I believe he wants baby so much so that he don’t look like atuk send his children to kindergarten 😅 so, as a responsible wife yg ada ilmu sains sedikit, kita try few tips. Bear in mind, this is not 18sx tips ❤️

1) I took folic acid 3 months before we got married. And I stop taking any other vitamins/anything that can mess my period. Contoh, bila amik collagen drink I realize my period is 2 times a month, then I stop. I makan folic acid as I know, pembentukan pertama bayi adalah tulang belakang dan otaknya. Jadi, bayi memerlukan folic acid yg cukup untuk tumbesaran. I beli yg murah je RM5 satu papan kat farmasi. Lepas kahwin baru I beli yg mahal sikit jenama apetton. If u got pregnant, early stage, dr kerajaan akan bagi u yg RM5 punya juga 😂 Dan juga, I took milk frequently since 3 months before, supaya my body fit enough untuk prepare for a baby. Beli lah susu good day, dutch lady or fernleaf. Selalu ada sale dekat aeon 😋 

2) Since we got married, I took makanan sunnah frequently. Kekacang, kurma, buah aprikot, buah2 anggur semua, susu kambing. U should try it early since you never know what will happen during 1st trimester. Masa 1st trimester I memang tak boleh telan manisan/susu. Especially susu kambing. But I already make it save, as my body got the nutrient before that! 

3) Sebelum kahwin, if anything that make my period irregular, I akan amik tahu dan concern. Supaya I dapat detect awal dan overcome awal. Apa2 makanan tambahan yg menyebabkan irregular period, I akan tinggalkan. Ataupun ambil, tapi dalam jarak masa yg jauh. Sekali amik dalam 2-3 hari ke. Supaya dia tak bagi effect yg besar pada period. 

4) I lessen the intake of sugary food. I rasa I dah stop starbuck dari bulan 12 before I kahwin. 1 sebab nak simpan duit dan kedua sebab nak lose weight 😉 pastu PKP pula memang duduk rumah. So I tak minum dah starbuck. Sebulan boleh kira maybe sekali. Itu pun 5 months selepas kahwin. If not before that adaaaa je nak try new drinks 😌 Sebagai ganti I amik madu. Oh ya. I ada try madu Jamu Ratu Malaya. Seems good for our tummy and for my irregular period. I notice my period jadi regular sejak amalkan. Wallahualam.

5) Finally, after we got married, I dan husband amalkan madu turki Wawa Zainal. Herbs honey. Dia pahit sikit. Amik 1-2x sehari. Depend on body condition. Ini pun membantu untuk masalah period irregular. 

So far I think that’s what we prepare when we plan to conceive. Since I’m a biologist so I banyak membaca itu ini so I paksa rela untuk diri sendiri dan husband amalkan 😂 

Until then....poff seketul Yusuf dalam perut Alhamdulillah after one month we got married. ❤️ May Yusuf grow up well in Mummy tummy. 

Yusuf is a good baby. During my 1st trimester, I akan ada “morning sickness” after 12pm. Dan dia tak kacau pun I masa I tengah kerja. Usually I siapkan my work before zohor, and after zohor I dah relax sikit. Then tidur kejap lepas solat zohor. I hari2 cakap kat dia ever since my early 🤰🏻 Yusuf good boy. And he always become a good baby in my tummy ❤️ eventho benda biasa2 during pregnancy tu I try to enjoy and appreciate. Kurangkan mengeluh, doa baik2 in shaa Allah harap semuanya baik2 je.

Doakan our smol family okie ❤️

Syukur Alhamdulillah 

Kindly email me if you have any question at shieera94@gmail.com In shaa Allah if I can help I will help 😊


Gratitude Post for Dear Husband


Thank you whoever still read this blog since day 1 ❤️ Eventho right now this blog just share some of my personal thoughts. Thank you to whom emailed me and pray for me. Masha Allah I never think I still have reader from here. May Allah bless you 😘

In this post, I just want to post some gratitude post for my husb. Just in case one day he read my blog ❤️ because I’m too shy to post on other social medias. We just made our relationship private bcs of my past experiences. And I’m happy with it. No social post, no one know whether we are arguing or happy, it just us. And Alhamdulillah it become happier because we didn’t try to meet other people’s preferences toward everything we’ve been through. Biasa kalau expectation orang luar semua nak cun cun je padahal hidup manusia biasalah turun naik semua kan. 

So yeah, dear husband. Thank you for being great husband for me and great daddy for Yusuf. (We are expecting! 🤰🏻 Alhamdulillah) and we didn’t know the gender yet but we just called baby as Yusuf bcs I don’t know I just likeeee that name 😂. So I selalu sembang dengan Yusuf like everywhere. U know how it feels when you always love talking to yourself and now you have another part of you that can give reactions toward your emotions. Alolooo omey Yusuf. 

Thank you daddy for always gosok belakang mummy bila mummy muntah. Always going back after meeting if we’re not in good condition. Always sabar order food panda for 3 months! Tak pernag tak masak selama tu 😂 Picit mummy for almost everyday since day 1 sebab tak boleh pergi urut & tulang belulang ku dah seperti mahu patah patah. And many more ❤️

Thank you for being patient with my upside down emotions. Kejap ketawa kejap nangis. And I can literally nangis like a baby tersedu2 omg 😂 Yusuf cannot be like mummy oki 😘 Yusuf should be strong & patient like daddy. 

I can’t describe so many things here. But I just want to thank you for everything dear husband. I can’t buy you RM22K tudor watch right now but I always pray for your health, love and blessings. I hope my silence doa can give blessings and ease your life. 

Thank you Allah for giving this huge bundle of joys & happiness toward our marriage. May this smol family be a sakinah mawaddah warrahmah family till Jannatul Firdaus as I prayed few years ago in front of kaabah inside the hijr Ismail. 

Thank you Allah, thank you husband, thank you everyone ❤️ https://drive.google.com/uc?export=view&id=1kUexw0wRFiI9tiiOzkDX-T1_w4qTmM0b

31 May 2020

My PKP Wedding Procedures


Pelik rasa nak buat post lagi pasai lama dah tak blogging. But since I want to save some of my memories here, lelagi memori nikah covid nanti anak cucu tanya kenapa mummy takde majlis kawin? Mummy boleh ingat pasaipa takdak majlis 😂 Pasai mummy nikah time perang! Sebab mummy ni pelupa jadi kena lah tulis sebagai memori kat sini 🥰


Cubaan pertama hantar borang. Ada a few tak lengkap. Surat mastautin dan surat declare kita single tak lengkap. Okeh kita proceed esok.


Pagi lelaju drive ke Kulai nak dapatkan surat mastautin dan declare bujang. Settle jam 9 pagi dan lelaju ke Pejabat Kadi Kulai. 

Plan utk nikah di JB tapi ramai oi jadi guna alamat lama (since my father stay in Kulai and I still didn’t change my old ic address, so easy for me to nikah kat kulai) Nikah di JB lebih 200 pending list sebab Johor lambat approve nikah haritu kan. Sis dah gelabah ayam pasai nak nikah sebelum puasa sepatutnya tapi tak settle apa pun lagi tuptup dah PKP. 

Long story short lepas je sultan bagi perkenan untuk nikah, terus ke Hospital buat HIV test. Bayar RM1, pergi pukul 2 lepas lepas dorang rehat terus masuk pasai tak ramai orang time tu. 

Settle HIV test esok terus prepare nak complete semua form dan hantar pej kadi. Husband’s side dari Pasir Gudang so he went to Kadi Johor Bahru to submit all his documents, early morning pergi JB, around 11 am shoot ke Kulai complete all documents (Pej Kadi Kulai tutup jam 2 semasa PKP) sangat mudah urusan kami, document semua sesiap photostat 3 copies (but they only need 2 copies) bak kata KKM overprepared is better than underprepared 😉 

Pej Kadi terus tanya nak nikah bila, then we just mention before raya. They promised us to call us back after they set the date. 


Memula ingat tak dapat nikah sebelum raya, tapi 20/5/2020 jam 11 pagi dapat call boleh nikah jam 2 ptg. Nampak macam rushing tapi alah alang alang nikah je la, I said I agreed then call my fiancé cakap nak tak nikah jam 2. Sebab dah balik JB takut tak lepas balik kampung utk raya takkan nak raya syahdu sorang kan, so pilih untuk nikah je sebelum raya. Jam 2.30 pm 20/5/2020 Alhamdulillah we were united as husband and wife. 

Dengan pantas dan mudah. 

Biasa orang fikir boleh ke nak kawin, eh nak kawin ke tak masa dah nak kawin kan. Macam complicated kan, tapi kitorang tak sempat fikir sebab terus rush dapat call terus pergi nikah. 😂

Kos nikah PKP kami cuma,

RM200 tok kadi
RM100 (dua orang saksi yg dah disediakan pej kadi)
RM30 Apply nikah kulai
RM10 Apply surat nikah luar daerah
RM30suami Apply surat bujang
RM150sempat cari baju biru sama dgn kurta suami yg dah promo dari harga RM300+ 

Sekian kos nikah RM490 je 😂 

Gambar amik sendiri, make up sendiri, baju pakai apa ada, tudung tarik je yg mana ada, Alhamdulillah I’m a happy wife ❤️

Since many people ask me how to get married during PKP 😂 Bear in mind, I apply lepas PKP. Kalau sebelum PKP dah settle tenang2 tinggal tunggu panggilan je. 🥰

Doakan kami dapat zuriat soleh solehah, if you have any doubts on nikah during PKP, can email me at shieera94@gmail.com
