27 March 2017

My Umrah journey 🕋

Alhamdulillah. Alhamdulillah. Alhamdulillah.

After so many emotional issues, until I need to get married for my mahram (not married yet! Bcs I got another solution Hihi), change umrah agencies for times, change the procedures and so on, Alhamdulillah 29/3/2017 will be precious date for me. Despite of 1 rejab yg memang precious date for all muslims (bulan rejab bulan rahmat before ramadhan 😘) I will perform my Umrah flight from klia straight to Jeddah and then terus ke Makkah untuk umrah pertama.

The exact date for me to go for Umrah is 30/3. But suddenly got call from agency that we got new flight airlines. Offer tukar dari Qatar ke Saudi Airline. Which will be no transit (biasa transit di dubai for hours). Alhamdulillah. I can't describe how happy I am, after shed so many tears try to find the solution for my problems.

Wonder why I really want to go to makkah? 😉 sanggup ikat perut for years guna duit Yayasan sebaiknya because I want to save my money for Umrah after I graduated.

My reason is,

Masa sakit 5 tahun lepas (which I think I gonna die Masya Allah!) I went to Masjid AnNur Kolej Matrikulasi Johor nearly everyday. I woke up at 3-4 am siap-siap pergi masjid alone. Balik after 10-11pm. Sepanjang hari spent dekat masjid. Sebab? Sebab nak tenangkan hati & I feel more calm kat rumah Allah. Masa tu masih dalam perubatan Islam. Hampir tiap minggu balik, berubat Islam.

One day, pergi masjid macam biasa. Sementara tunggu subuh, aku tertidur. And at that time I got a dream.

There was me, dekat atas bukit. Dikelilingi (look like human) berjubah putih. Ramai. Sangat ramai bergerak tanpa arah. Just walk around me. Dan bawah bukit tu, aku nampak kaabah. Dan perasaan masa tu? Tenang setenang-tenangnya. Tenang yg aku cari selama ni, aku rasa bila nampak kaabah. Ajaib.

Dan lepas tu aku tersedar. I feel so weird. Pagi tu macam rasa lain. Perasaan macam malam tu malam 10 malam terakhir ramadhan. Padahal bukan bulan puasa. I can't remember who is the one I call after I had that dream, but there's someone. And he/she said, "itu tanda Allah dah panggil"

But at that time, takda duit, sibuk nak habiskan Matrikulasi, lepas tu sambung degree. Sampai alhamdulillah habis degree, baru dapat usaha untuk pergi.

And here I am. Prepare for my Journey to Makkah. May Allah ease. Doakan perjalanan aku dipermudah In shaa Allah. Kalau nak kirim doa, just email at shieera94@gmail.com kalau boleh before 29/3 😊 In shaa Allah seboleh mungkin I will pray it for you.


May Allah bless.
